Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12, 2011 - Trip Preparation

MY FIRST BLOG POSTING...trial run before the world travels begin...
Picked up my travel docs at AMA yesterday, visit to the accountant to take care of taxes (death and taxes - the two givens in life). Lunch with Ed and a final business meeting, then supper with siblings - Don, Linda and the way Don is in the early stages of growing a beard (currently at the street 'rubbie stage), though he assures me that once it grows in he will do the nice distinguished beard and mustache trim.  For now I just get to carry the image of my brother looking like he should be packing a brown paper bag with the cheapest bottle of hooch sitting on a curb.  We pigged out at Jumbo Dim Sum and chatted until the staff were almost all giving us the polite "we're trying to close - GO HOME!" know the one as you have all been there at some point in time...enjoying the company, not wanting to call it a night.  Life is about capturing those moments...simple and grand. SAVOUR YOUR MOMENTS EACH DAY.

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