Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Long Lists - Short Time

Preparing to take off for six months or a year takes more organization than I seem to possess...I make the lists, start checking things off and soon find myself spinning in all directions with nothing getting "done". 
Who knew if you send one of your bill collectors more money than is owed they send it back, and you start back at square one. When you tell them you are sending the money - payment in advance of the bill - and they make notes on your account file, then it is ok...unless it is your insurance. They really don't want your money until the absolute last day for your renewal.  Post dated cheques and hope for the best for those guys.
I expect to come across a multitude of cultural differences in my travels but anomalies of speech have already struck with the set up of the blog.  My daughter and son-in-law in Australia thought it was named "Tales of an ewag e-gypsy" - apparently "ewag" is Aussie slang for "educated wild ass guess".  Now how's that for a commentary on my blog content.  Oh dilligaf! (another of those Australian slangs but you'll have to ask a friend about that one). Gotta love those Aussies - those I've come to know are always good for a laugh. As the experts say: a good belly laugh is great medicine. Did you have your "medicine" today?

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