Monday, February 21, 2011


Survived the fifteen plus hour flight from Vancouver to Sydney in relative comfort, considering...the day before my flight I wiped out on the ice getting out of my van, slipping half under the vehicle, bruised shoulder, hip and knee but fortunately nothing broken.  Of course sitting for any length of time resulted in interesting contortions to get up as everything would tighten and lock up, creak and crack until I was moving for a bit, about the same time I would go to sit back down again. Took an over the counter sleep aid that knocked me out for about seven hours, which shortened the flight immensely, barely had time to watch a movie and a few Canadian short films before we were landing. I was fortunate to have an empty seat between me and John, the retired Aussie on his way back from several weeks of skiing in BC, so could stretch out and spread out. Only real negative about the flight was that we went through a fair bit of turbulence, not the drop out your stomach kind, but enough that you had to stay belted up and they couldn't serve hot drinks...that means no coffee for hours, and hours, and hours.  All you caffeine addicts out there know what that means...withdrawal and the start of a blinding headache.
 As the cabin lights came up, the scent of brewing coffee just a couple hours out of Sydney, and a collective sigh could be heard from all those suffering from caffeine withdrawal as our "fix" came up the aisle with breakfast.
From a minus 23 to a plus 23, balmy temperatures in Sydney (they just survived a record breaking heat wave with temperatures up to high 30's-low 40's celsius). Bags arrived though one suitcase was badly battered, bottom ripping open. (Looks like I may have to contact the manufacturer as it is only the suitcases' second trip - new a year ago).
Happy to see daughter Rae and son-in-law Jason waiting to take over the baggage and drive me through Sydney's crazy traffic and on to their new apartment.  Next three weeks will be quality time with my Aussie family...and preparations for the June birth of a new grandson.
Love to all...


  1. Glad to hear you made it there okay, bummer about the luggage though!

  2. The weather in England sure looks great compared to here.
