Friday, March 18, 2011

London, England

Bangkok Airport dragon art
 Getting here was a long, long plane ride with a one hour stop in Bangkok. We had to deplane, pass through Bangkok immigration than head back to the gate to replane.  Only problem was that at 1 a.m. Sydney time I made it through the customs/immigration check but took a right instead of a left and ended up at the wrong gate (sometimes those Aussie accents can trick you and a gate G4 sounded like D4).  Of course by the time I found an information kiosk open, confirmed the gate (which was W-A-Y on the other side) I just managed to make it to the gate in time. So I had a long and brisk walk around the entire Bangkok airport. Much of the airport was like a giant mall with duty free shops - all still open.
More of the dragon story.

Bangkok Airpot
The airport itself had a bit of a funky design as the gate areas from the upper level looked as if you were in the bare bones of a plane fuselage...or at least what I would imagine the structure would look like having seen some model aircraft kits with a similar structure.
The picture doesn't really capture how big the place was, but my sore feet will tell you it is huge.

British Museum - fascinating Egyptian display.

Managed to navigate the trains and underground to the British Museum today, huge building filled to the brim with all kinds of exhibits from Egyptian mummies, to adornment through the ages, antiquities, art including some satirical cartoons I enjoyed immensely, the Buddah room (another favorite) and great sculptures.Was a wet and cold day outside so a good day to be indoors enjoying all the museum had to offer though my feet and knees gave out before the exhibit rooms were all visited. You could easily spend days in the museum...and it is free to the public with the exception of specialty feature exhibits.

Huge marble sculptured urn - a thing of beauty, to the black mummified remains, which just seemed sad, the museum was an experience. The giant and ancient line stands guard over the entrance.

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