Thursday, March 24, 2011

London Photo Gallery

The Tower Bridge from the right and left banks of the Thames. Below the famed prison - Tower of London full of dungeons and ghosts of victims of attrocities.
 Near Tower Hill is this ancient church (below - left) which claims to be the oldest church in London...and right next door the metal and glass of modern office buildings.  London is a mishmash of old and new and in Hackney Downs, where I am staying, they have the remaining tower of a church from the 1200's (below- right) across the street from makes for interesteing sightseeing.  You can just hop a bus and be amused by the streetscapes.

A grave marker in the cemetary at the old church in Hackney Downs (heritage site)

War memorials are another common sight in communities around London - from ancient battles to the young men who fell during World War I from the Hackney Down parish.  The memorial is in the park of the church grounds.

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