Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sunset on Iron Cove Bay
Sydney Harbour Bridge Walk summit not for acrophobics  
Sunday Sailors
Sydney Opera House from the Manly ferry.
Door graffiti at Bronte Beach
Where has the time flown...I leave for Europe on Wednesday, March 16.  This last full week in Sydney was a busy one as we started by picking up a week long multi-pass ($41) that gives you buses, trains and ferries in the central area of Sydney. Monday it was off to a maternity clothes warehouse via bus and train and a bit of a trek walking in the warehouse area.  The excitement came on the return trip with the train halted at the central station as all the city tracks were shut down while a "person wishing to do harm to self" was dealt with by the appropriate authorities. The trains, platforms were backed up with people so we opted to transfer to a bus, and head to the ferries to get back home. Who knew there were two Balmain ferry stops? and the one we got off was not the one we should have exited the ferry from. It had a steep hill to climb (on sidewalk) to where the main road and buses could be found. As an unfit fifties it gave me a preview of what a potential heart attack might just feel like...Lesson learned double check which direction and what stop you need - buses, ferries and trains. A day to recuperate (and do laundry through the rain showers) and I was ready to hit the ferries again for a trip over to Manly.  There is something very calming and humbling sitting and watching the waves roll in - a bit of a Zen moment. Then you turn on the news and watch the after affects of the Japan earthquake and tsunami and get truly humbled by the the forces of nature.
Famed Bondi Beach - surfers, sun worshipers and tour groups...

Saturday was a day for one of the tourist staples - a trip out to Bondi Beach. But first a quick trip to the local farmer's market which even though it was only 11 a.m. saw many merchants already sold muffins today for us. But we did get veggies and had a great fruit smoothie before walking home.
We also did a quick detour to Birch Grove area before the check out the open house of a home lottery.  Lovely little three bedroom terrace home just blocks from the water and trendy  shops and cafes...and the lottery tickets were only $15. The draw is April 8 so keep your fingers crossed for me and maybe I can plan to spend those cold Canadian winters here in Sydney.
It was a beautiful day to be at the beach as evidenced by the crowds at Bondi. All those people must have triggered a "mad moment" as an AussieBum sign hit my funny bone and triggered a flurry of photos of, well you know...TANS?
We headed over to the more family friendly Bronte Beach for a picnic of fish and chips.  Watched the kiddies on the little train/track and threw things at the gulls who are much worse than ants at a picnic.  They are fearless and the number one rule is DON'T FEED the GULLS! or you will be swarmed. We continued our beach tour - Clovelly was quite different with concrete walkways around a large breakwater swimming area with lots of snorkellers in the calm pool waters. Where there is a public beach you will also find the surf lifesavers...some even have seadoo patrol to keep the swimmers and surfers safe.
Bronte Beach - family friendly
Bronte Beach kiddie train
To end the week I scored two tickets to the Sunday afternoon concert of the Australian Chamber Orchestra at the Sydney Opera House concert hall. They have these "deal of the day" websites you can subscribe to receive info. and one of the deals was the concert tickets (savings of $101) - the deal was limited to only 200 buyers so good on us.
View under the "sail" at the Opera House during interval
We put on our party dresses, took the ferry across to Circular Quay and walked up to the Opera House. Note: if you plan on eating in the vicinity plan on paying ...Chili Hotdog - $19.50.  We found the best deal at the studio cafe on the ground floor at the Opera House - Panini sandwiches with small salad side for around $14 - and even their daily specials were about $10 below similar meals in the sit outside enjoying the views, quick service and hot and tasty meal.
The concert hall is beautiful, sound system impeccable and in the interval (intermission) you can head under the sail where the breeze blows in, expansive view of the harbour and boats sailing by.  Mixed review on the concert itself as I prefer either quartet or a full symphony for more classical music bent, but it had it's moments - Strauss final piece actually put the fellow two seats down to sleep. Xenakis "Voile" was very different and I am sure that it contributed to the concert title "The Rest is Noise" as the object seemed to be to create disharmony - reminiscent of a cat fight on the back fence. All in all it was worth the price just to get to enjoy the concert hall itself - especially the huge pipe organ in the back.

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