Saturday, March 5, 2011


No...I haven't seen any kangaroos yet, unless you want to count the dead wallaby at the side of the road.  In Canada we have skunks, porcupines and deer/moose road kill hazards. In Oz it's opossums and wallabies that you'll find dead along the roadways around Sydney.
Speaking of wild things...saw my first kookaburra.  Remember that old song.."kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Merry, merry king of the woods is he. Laugh kookaburra, laugh kookaburra, how gay your life must be." Well believe you me when you get a flock of them laughing, they are loud and raucaus and you would swear you were on the floor of some jungle with the monkies being loud and cheeky (that's what they sound like).  Fortunately they don't usually flock together or I am sure they would drive people crazy.

Now off to the right is a wild piece of art from the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney.  This giant grasshopper is about four to five feet tall, twisted copper and other wire - kind of funky looking beast.  And much better than the little (2-3 inch) Hunter Spider that took up residence in the corner of the livingroom. Neither my daughter or I wanted to try to get rid of it as they have a habit of jumping at you when attacked (and who in their right mind wants BIG UGLY SPIDERS jumping on them).  The man of the house got to do the honors, though I did contribute by buying the fastest acting drop dead spray. One of the cons of a tropical like climate is the flourishing bug population...ants and various varieies of cockroaches, to flies and mosquitos, plus a multitude of beetles and spiders.

And the final photo is from the upper level schools display at the gallery, aptly titled something like "It started out simple then things got complicated."  A visual statement of how life can get to be at times. HAVE FUN... more picture of the amazing sunset the other night.  It looked like the sky was on fire for about five or so minutes then pitch black...gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic sunset photo, I love it! Definitely frameworthy! :)
