Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 2 ...the end is near

I love wandering the streets and coming across funky decorative wrought iron, and sculptural pieces such as the guy who looks like he is holding the building up and hidden art pieces...Frankfurt had its fair share.
I had planned to take the optional day trip to Heidelberg but with the sore throat and sniffles cancelled to stay onboard as the ship finished cruising into Frankfurt. I actually slept in until 10 am (missed all three breakfast options entirely) and woke feeling somewhat better, sore throat gone and sniffles held in check with antihistamines (so no wine today).

After lunch it was off for a bus city tour, then a guided walking tour (which saw me lose the guide in the market when I stopped for a bathroom break...he was supposed to wait on the other side of the market - or so he said - but seemed to have forgotten that as he faded out on my earphones as I raced through the market). With no one in sight on the other side I just thought 'to hell with it' and did my own thing. I went back slower through the market, stopped for coffee and a great apple-cheese pastry in a tiny shop on the square, and people watched to my heart's content.  It was very sunny and hot and the locals were taking advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.  The walk along the river saw Spring was in the air, cherry blossoms, tree full of magnolia blooms and young lovers groping on the grass (oblivious to the crowds and families picnicing). There were a few times I was tempted to say 'Get a room'.

Once back onboard, I finalized the details and documents for my next river cruise - on the Danube - Passau to Budapest starting April 17 for eight days. The Captain's Farewell Dinner that evening saw everyone at their spiffiest - champagne toast to start and free flowing wine. Dessert was the usual cruise finale - lights out as the staff march in Baked Alaska (though I don't get what the fuss is about Baked Alaska, especially after they have been giving us much better desserts all week).
The evening wrapped up with a three piece group, La Strada  (two violins and a guitar) doing a concert in the lounge. They came from Belgium to entertain us with classical pieces and rousing gypsy music. Excellent performance before it was off to finish laundry and to pack for the morning disembarkation.

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