Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 27 - More of Florence

Another sunny day in Florence...and something you need to know if you are heading here at this time of year, bring mosquito repellent. The Italian mosquitoes are brutal with bites that itch like crazy and leave large red blotches wherever they bite.  My packed anti-itch cream doesn't seem to be having much effect, but I now know that much of what I thought was bad skin on locals is actually these mosquito bites.
The chambermaids have graciously put an anti-bug plug-in contraption to kill any off in the apartment, where I think they were eating me alive while I slept with my window open. I headed out on the bus to do a little hop on, hop off to check out the old city gates, forts and a few more of the squares about town. Walked along the waterway around the famed bridge where a ton of gold jewellery is sold, sticking my nose into little art galleries along the way, stopping for gelato and cafe lattes.  I am afraid I am a lazy tourist, opting to see whatever falls into my path rather than following the crowds and standing in lines for hours.
I am amused by ironworks, detailed doors, building embellishments, sneak peaks into interior courtyards, statues and artwork everywhere you turn, parks and cafes...but I can't tell you where I have seen things, or necessarily what they are as I am living in the moment and not documenting as I go.  I am even finding that I am starting to resent my camera...I am tired of taking pictures and just want to enjoy what I am seeing.
I am experiencing the city not only by sight but smell and sound and stopping to taste as well...that is my Florence for today.
I did make a stop back at the train station where there was hardly a line-up at all so I managed to take care ot the business of making reservations for my Friday trains.  I find it inconvenient to have to make the reservations for travel in Italy on my Eurail Pass, especially as I don't have computer access.
Back in my neighborhood, I had a coffee and pastry at the local shop, then decided to treat my feet to a pedicure at the little shop next door...just what the doctor ordered. They felt so good after the royal treatment that my feet didn't want to spoil it by walking any further than next door to the pastry shop for a savory for supper and a latte to go.
At the apartment I rented the computer and paid for some internet time to catch up on emails, etc.  But the internet is still too slow to upload pictures. Someday, all these blogs will get updated with pictures.

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