Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28 Last lazy full day in Florence

Slept in and lazed about for a bit before heading out in the neighborhood to do laundry...yes I do have to take time out to wash my socks, etc.  Speaking of is universal that socks disappear in laundry rooms as I now have two lonely socks with no mates.  If it keeps up I will have to invest in a few pairs before my travels are over.
Breakfast at the pastry shop...I think I am becoming addicted as they have wonderful croissant type pastries filled with meats and cheese, etc beside the sweets. Heated brie and speake (a type of ham I think) was a perfect breakfast along with their delicious cafe latte. I think I am considered a regular as they start on my coffee as I come through the door, so it is ready by the time I finish deciding what to try at the pastry counter. So far I have managed to avoid the cake and torte cases as they simply look too wicked to consider.
Worked on my blog for the rest of the morning, then headed out on the bus for a farewell tour of Florence and to do a little retail therapy. I also thought I should try some Italian pizza while I was here and made that my late lunch with a tasty artichoke heart, mushroom and cheese slice coupled with a small cannoli cream and pistashio filled pastry along with the usual latte. Asked for the toilet at the restaurant only to find it was a disgusting unisex squat toilet - NO THANKS! 
By the way it is possible to find plus size clothes and the OVS in the city centre had a good selection, so I was able to find a white blouse to replace the one that has worn out in my travels. Also got a recommendation a tube of anti-itch gel from the pharmacy to deal with the ongoing mosquito bite drama.
It was then time to head back to the apartment and get organized for my travels tomorrow - out to another ship - this time a big one Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas.

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